Meet the Team

Our experienced clinicians specialise in particular areas of Speech Pathology and all work under the Centre’s core commitment of genuine individual care. We undertake regular external professional development as well as onsite training.

Many of our clinicians specialise in the assessment and management of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Ursula Wolfgramm
Ursula WolfgrammPractice Manager
Ursula joined the Lindfield Speech team in 2023. She has a solid background in medical administration and hospitality. She has experience in customer relations, team management, marketing, recruitment and leadership. Passionate about her role, Ursula supports her clinical team and oversees daily business operations, understanding the importance of developing a warm, welcoming, and positive therapy environment. Her healthcare background makes her compassionate, friendly, approachable, and engaging. Ursula greatly values providing excellent client care whilst building rapport and fostering positive connections with children and their families. She enjoys photography, learning Spanish and Portuguese, travelling and spending time with her family and friends.
Anne Khlentzos
Anne KhlentzosBSpPath (UQ), PG Dip Ed St, MSPA, CPSP
Anne has 20 years’ experience assessing and treating school-aged children with speech, language, literacy, and social skills difficulties. She has attended numerous workshops in the areas of speech sound disorders, oral language, vocabulary, written expression including Talk for Writing, reading comprehension, specific learning disorder (aka dyslexia), social skills, ADHD and associated issues, phonological awareness, and phonics including Sounds~Write, and has undertaken training in The Spalding Method. She is passionate about helping children from Kindergarten up to and including Year 7. Anne sees children at our centre, within schools and via telehealth.
Madeline Nendick
Madeline NendickBSpHLSc, MSLP, MSPA, CPSP
Madeline enjoys assessing and treating clients in the areas of speech, language, literacy, stuttering, and social skills. She works with preschool- and school-aged children and with adults. She is happy to see clients both in the clinic and via telehealth. Madeline has completed training in Sounds~Write, the Spalding Method, and Talk for Writing. Madeline has a lifelong love of language, cultivated when living in Europe for five years. She speaks French and Flemish conversationally and has studied Latin and Ancient Greek. In her spare time, Madeline enjoys spending time with friends, playing games, and reading.
Allison Stevens
Allison StevensBAppSc, MSPA, CPSP
Allison has extensive experience with high school students, including those undertaking the HSC (Years 11 and 12). She specializes in reading difficulties and language problems, stemming from her long experience teaching children of all ages to read. She is especially interested with Written Expression, and has thoroughly studied the school curriculum to understand the required modes of expression in the Education System. Allison offers Saturday therapy and Zoom sessions throughout the week. Her personal interests include reading books, seeing friends, and collecting Lladró and antique porcelain.
Rebecca Baxter
Rebecca BaxterBSpPath, MSPA, CPSP
Rebecca has over 20 years’ experience in assessing and treating children in the areas of speech, language, literacy, stuttering and social skills. She has worked in both education and private practice settings, collaborating closely with educators and parents. Rebecca has completed training in the Lidcombe Program and Gestalt Language Processing. She also has extensive experience in providing evidence-based therapy for children needing support in the areas of speech sound disorders, literacy, and language. She is passionate about making therapy fun and engaging for the children she works with, as well as supporting new clinicians just starting out on their professional journey.
Ranee So
Ranee SoBAppSc, BSpPath, MSPA, CPSP
Ranee enjoys assessing and treating young children in the areas of speech, early language, and school-age language development. She is passionate about empowering families to support their children in building strong communication foundations that will benefit them throughout their lives. Ranee speaks both English and Cantonese, enabling her to work effectively with families from diverse backgrounds. Outside of the clinic, she enjoys reading, going to the beach, travelling, and spending quality time with family.